Design your room with our furniture
- Check and Click on a Product image
- Upload an Image of your Space
- Drag around, Resize, Flip product images to see how they fit in your space!
- Save a printscreen of the showroom area!
- Click the "Ask a Price" button below to submit the image you received to calculate the price.
Product Showroom
- Check and Click on a Product image
- Upload an Image of your Space
- Drag around, Resize, Flip product images to see how they fit in your space!
- Save a printscreen of the showroom area
What to do? Click here!
Upload your Image
By clicking you can reduce the size of a selected product image.
By clicking you can increase the size of a selected product image.'
Rotate to the right.
Rotate to the left.
Flip an image.
Skew in X Axis.
Skew in Y Axis.
3D Rotate. For Printscreen with 3d Rotation please get Printscreen of your whole screen.
Remove the current Image
Save a printscreen of the showroom area
In case your image is falsely rotated, please use the controls below to rotate correctly.